Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Avast, im t'go to vegas this weekend, garr, and im bringing a bottle of me o'rum.

haha thats pretty good huh?? oh Orlando Bloom... you still a bitch running away in Troy like that you little bitch.

Anywhooo, i havent been blogging because i was working and coaching yady yady yah all that good stuff that you ppl dont really care about haha. I have a couple of blogs lined up about zombies.... well my next blog was going to be about zombies haha. But that derailed when i stopped blogging haha.

guess the athlete!! then click humongo picture haha.

As you might have heard from blackbeard a moment ago, me and a couple of ppl are going to vegas!

ill post pictures of my adventure there, being my first time and all, but apparently what happens there stays there... except herpes, or so ive been told haha. If it happens to be something like the hangover that would be totally awesome haha. But other then that, ill post pictures of my adventure so zombies can wait.

That reminds me i should go pack, haha. Tomorrow, I open work 8-2, go to track meet 3-6, meet up homies and fly out 7-9, VEGAS!! 11ish haha. So let the shinnanies begin... on the down low.

haha catch you lata!

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